How To Enroll Your Child at the Montessori School of Fort Worth
In the toddler community, our intent is to provide an environment prepared exclusively for children between the ages of 18 through 36 months for discovery and learning. The purpose of the toddler community is to assist toddlers during this special period of growth and their first venture from home.
The prepared environment of the primary community encourages children 3 through 6 years of age to absorb information as a natural and joyful activity. The Montessori materials help to stimulate and develop fine discrimination in all senses. Age appropriate exercises assist the child in developing mastery of coordination and movement, learning about social relationships and self-care skills.
The elementary class is a community of learners grouped into the lower elementary, ages 6 to 9, and the upper elementary, ages 9 to 12. Children in the elementary classroom are moving toward abstract reasoning, developing a moral sense, and have a passionate drive to learn about the natural and social world.
The Middle School enables students, ages 12 to 14, to grow and make decisions as they work in a community of adolescent learners led by adults focused on this age of development. Research reveals that the ideal school environment for early adolescents provides a feeling of safety, a sense of community, and a close working relationship with caring adults.