School Calendar


Visit Day

Rising 1st grade students will visit Lower Elementary for the day

Rising 4th grade students will visit Upper Elementary for the day

Rising 7th grade students will visit Middle School for the day

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Star Party

The Fort Worth Astrological Society is setting up their telescopes on the playground to view the Texas night sky. In case of cloud cover or inclement weather, we will reschedule for later this spring.

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Western Day

Primary and Elementary students are invited to wear Western Wear in honor of Fort Worth’s western heritage and the Stock Show. Boots, bandanas and hats are fun to wear. Leave the spurs, chaps and toy guns at home please.

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Snack and Yak

Current kindergarten students visit the Lower Elementary classes to learn more about the classroom. Hosted by current MSFW third level students.

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Holiday Parents' Night Out

The Middle School students and teachers are thrilled to invite you to our Winter Wonderland-themed Parents' Night Out on Friday, December 20, from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM!

Children will enjoy a magical evening filled with indoor and outdoor activities, games, crafts, and pizza—all in a festive holiday atmosphere.

This event is open to MSFW students aged 4 and up. The cost is $25 for the first child and $15 for each additional child in the same household.

Don’t miss this fun-filled evening—space is limited, so sign up today!

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Holiday Caroling Program

All MSFW students, Toddler through Middle School will perform during our annual caroling event. Parents, siblings, grandparents are all welcome to attend.

MS, Elementary and Primary level students should arrive between 5:30 and 5:45 pm. Toddler students should arrive at 5:45 pm.

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Birds of a Feather Presentation

The Texas Wildlife Association comes to school to present “Birds of a Feather” to our primary and lower elementary classes. They will discuss adaptations.

North Primary: 9:00 - 9:45 am; 1South Primary: 10:00 - 10:45 am; NLE: 11:00 - 11:45 am; 2South Primary: 12:30 - 1:15 pm, SLE: 2:10 - 2:55 pm.

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